Paroles de parents

Je ne sais pas quoi dire autre que c'est une chance incroyable et inouïe que Michèle a. En fait pas seulement Michèle, toute notre famille au complet.

Au fil des semaines dans le programme, j'ai vu une petite fille avec une estime de soi fragile et une anxiété de performance qui la paralysait se transformer en quelq'un qui est fière de ses réussites et qui par dessus tout persévère même si elle trouve ça difficile parfois.

Elle m'impressionne car elle est maintenant capable de le dire qu'elle trouve ça difficile mais ne se décourage pas et même si elle peut pratiquer 3h dans une journée elle va continuer à chanter, faire des doigtés et taper son crayon sur le bureau en faisant un rythme tout en dessinant dans des cahiers.

Au fil des semaines dans le programme, j'ai vu une petite fille timide se transformer en quelqu'un qui a hâte au prochain appel avec ses grands-parents pour leur jouer la dernière chanson apprise, qui improvise des pratiques de violoncelle et qui veut faire la professeure avec nous en nous montrant comment bien chanter.

Je vois une magnifique petite fille devenir de plus en plus attentive et amoureuse de la musique qui l'entoure.

- Catarina


Ma femme et moi tenons à remercier énormément pour son énorme dévouement et sa vocation dans l'enseignement du bel art de la musique. Nous sommes très chanceux d'avoir l'équipe Cello Montréal.

Cette dynamique a été d'une grande aide dans la famille, nos enfants sont vraiment motivés à être meilleurs chaque jour dans leurs cours et ils font de leur mieux pour passer au niveau suivant. Ceci, d'un point de vue psychologique, est de la plus haute importance pour nous, comme vous le savez, pour maintenir la santé émotionnelle d'un enfant privé de liberté, de son école, de ses amis, pour pouvoir sortir et s'amuser et Même la routine la plus simple est assez compliquée, mais grâce à vous, cela a été beaucoup plus facile et c'est quelque chose dont nous sommes infiniment reconnaissants en tant que parents. Merci beaucoup Cello Montréal!

La musique est l'activité la plus globale, la plus harmonieuse, la musique rend l'être humain plus dynamique, sensoriel, affectif et idéaliste, elle fait un individu en harmonie avec les lois universelles. En conclusion, la musique est un outil de transformation sociale pour le bien de l'humanité.

- Aldo et Marlen


Pour Édouard, c’est une expérience vraiment enrichissante. Il est fier de ses accomplissements et il adore ses professeurs. Son engagement envers l’apprentissage de la musique augmente de jour en jour. L’équipe de Cello Montréal offre un encadrement extraordinaire.

Pour nous, les parents, c’est un défi et un grand bonheur d’accompagner notre enfant sur cette voie. Merci infiniment!

- Matthieu et Pilar


Amazing teachers! Amazing program! Amazing arrangements! No words could express my gratitude to these devoted musicians! This is the best experience that my son has ever had! No doubt this will help shape his view on music, on kindness and on love and support from others. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

- Guo


Recently my daughter spends the whole morning studying music. It is really unbelievable that she is so young but she can insist on singing those songs and mimicking those movements of playing cello repeatedly. I think that she begins to love music because when she is playing alone, she hums those songs spontaneously. Thank you very much for your hard work. You are wonderful music teachers!

- Ju


Torrence loves the program! He likes to spend at least 2-3 hours everyday practicing his assignments from various categories, and enjoys being able to demonstrate the skills he has learnt by himself. He will spontaneously sing the notes or solfeges of songs he has practiced when he is playing other games.

As parents, we are happy to see his progress in learning the musical and cello skills, as well as doing something he really enjoys. More importantly, we find him picking up skills of proactive learning and time management, which are essential for his school life later. We are very grateful he has the opportunity to take this program.

- Zunce & Jie


L' apprentissage du violoncelle a permis de développer l'écoute et la concentration de ma fille, ça lui a ouvert les yeux sur un nouveau monde.

Merci beaucoup.

- Nelly


Being part of the group, my daughter has improved a lot. She has become more disciplined as music practice became part of her daily routine. We have something new to do everyday and there's a lot of learning because of the different musical exercises offered on Youtube. Noreen could now read the notes and she could play also the piano on her own and we are amazed as parents. The live group conference every Saturday boosts her confidence playing while others are watching and the one-on-one learning with the teacher makes it more focused on correcting their individual weaknesses. It's such a great and fulfilling experience and we could not thank enough all who made this all possible most especially the dedicated teachers who have been so responsive with all our questions. Thank you so much.

- Novashe


We always knew our daughter Lya liked singing and listening to music, but we had no idea to what degree it would become her passion, and we owe that to the wonderful team a Cello Montreal. Josh and the whole gang make learning easy and fun. At 7 years old, we worried Lya wouldn’t be interested in practicing music for 20 minutes a day, but we regularly do 3 times that without any complaints. The program helps her focus and has given her more confidence in other aspects of her life. We are so thankful to have found this outstanding program.

- Angele


Cello Montreal changed our daughter life. This course + YouTube channel should be world famous. Her achievements is just amazing using a practice cello, she's hooked already!

- Christian


On ai vraiment chanceux que Adam fait partie du groupe cello Montreal ,au debut il connaissait rien de la musique et grâce josh, Geneviève , Anna , Gary et Sandra et depuis quelques semaines il a eu un déclic et comprend mieux que moi des fois. J’en suis fier de lui et surtout très reconnaissante de l’effort que font les professeurs, leur patience et le temps consacré pour les enfants et tout ça sans retour c’est des vrai professionnels merci encore.

- Baya


We are very excited about Amaka’s love and new found passion for music. She absolutely enjoys and looks forward to her music lessons and we can see her steady progress. Our house is literally alive with the sound of music. Thank you so much for this once in a lifetime opportunity!!

- Joan


Mes deux enfants ont eu la chance de participer au cours de violoncelle, et maintenant elles aiment vraiment le pratiquer! Deux enfants qui pratiquent ensemble ne sont pas ennuyeux et peuvent s'encourager mutuellement! Désormais, leur souhait est de devenir violoncelliste dans le futur. Je tiens vraiment à remercier l'Ensemble de Violoncelles de Montreal pour cette précieuse opportunité! Merci beaucoup!

- Li


I would like to share Kimberly’s experience with you. She has learnt a lot about music by playing cello in a short period of time. She learns playing many songs by practicing cello and singing along. Kimberly works through a lot of hard practices with you. You were patience correcting and explaining her mistakes. You guys are great! Constantly updating practice online and check all Kimberly’s practice videos. We appreciate very much the job you and the rest of team have done to help Kimberly learning everyday during the pandemic. Thank you!

- Emily


First, we would like to thank Josh Fink, Genevieve Guimond, Anna Burden, Sandra Hunt, and Gary Russell, for giving us this wonderful opportunity to be a part of your team to learn Cello with no monetary cost. We would certainly not be in a situation to personally afford for such music practice sessions with renowned musicians and we feel truly blessed for getting this lifetime opportunity. With your able guidance and impeccable teaching standard, our son with zero music knowledge could grasp all the given training videos and was able to perform himself. He is not only interested now to learn music; he has also started playing the piano by watching all your video tutorials. You have made the online music coaching very interesting and the individual training which you provide for our child is a great asset. Your feedback on each music session has been very valuable. You have provided with hundreds of materials online to practice daily and have sent us with practice cellos for an easy transition when they get the real cello. You have also given us the motivation for daily practice and provided us with an update on our daily progress which is truly amazing since it helps us to know where we stand. We have no words to say thank you for the efforts you have put in to make this session to remember for the rest of our life’s.

Thank you again for providing us with a great chance for our son to learn music and we are very fortunate. May God Bless this amazing team.

- Jabason